20 Years of Product Innovation
peer-to-peer Car Sharing
peer-to-peer Car Sharing
Within m-way AG Olaf Zanger was a leading force to develop the peer-to-peer Car Sharing System «sharoo.com»
First station-less e-bike sharing
First station-less e-bike sharing
The development of «smide.ch», the first station-less e-bike sharing has been supported with product strategy and the marketing mix «4P».
Services for Neigborhoods
Services for Neigborhoods
For energieschweiz.ch we scouted for and document 2000 Watt services that help to conduct a 2000 Watt life (swiss-speak for a low carbon footprint life).
For the industry cluster organization energie-cluster.ch Olaf organized the Innovation Group secure Home Automation: Paper (de), next meeting 17.3.2016, former meetings (de), customer.
Integrated Route Planner
Integrated Route Planner
With m-way and a swiss railway we innovated a concept for a door-to-door intermodal transport app. With scrum processes we prototyped it together with partners.