20 Years of Product Innovation

peer-to-peer Car Sharing

Within m-way AG Olaf Zanger was a leading force to develop the peer-to-peer Car Sharing System «sharoo.com»

First station-less e-bike sharing

The development of «smide.ch», the first station-less e-bike sharing has been supported with product strategy and the marketing mix «4P».

Services for Neigborhoods

For energieschweiz.ch we scouted for and document 2000 Watt services that help to conduct a 2000 Watt life (swiss-speak for a low carbon footprint life).


For the industry cluster organization energie-cluster.ch Olaf organized the Innovation Group secure Home Automation: Paper (de), next meeting 17.3.2016, former meetings (de), customer.

Open Energy Data Wiki

For energieschweiz.ch we built up the Open Energy Data Wiki, a valuable resource for product managers to understand available data and services in the cloud and on devices. site, customer.

Integrated Route Planner

With m-way and a swiss railway we innovated a concept for a door-to-door intermodal transport app. With scrum processes we prototyped it together with partners.